We are a Gospel-Centered, Sacramental, Missional Family of

Church Planting


The Office of Church Planting Team

The Rev. Billy Waters,
Canon of Church Planting, Colorado

The Rev. Mark Brians, Hawaii
The Rev. Aaron Burt, Washington
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Ben Fischer, Idaho
The Rev. Ken Robertson, Colorado
The Rev. Tim Soots, Colorado

  • Why do we exist?

    We exist to assess, encourage, train and support church planters in the Rocky Mountain Diocese

  • Why do we plant churches?

    We believe that the starting of new congregations is the most effective way to reach our communities with the gospel.

  • Who We Are

    We are a Gospel-Centered, Sacramental, Missional family of Church Planting Churches characterized by:

    Ancient Faith
    Global Relationships
    Local Mission

What does success look like?

We will succeed to the extent that we:

  • Recruit church planters dedicated to leading church planting churches

  • Assesses church planters based on Calling, Competency, and Character

  • Develop church planters through strategic oversight, training, and coaching

  • Deploy church planters with ongoing support and encouragement.

Key Components

  • Church planting is biblically mandated and an essential, nonnegotiable aspect of our ministry as the Diocese.

  • A church planting culture celebrates planters, values risk, and uses all of its communication platforms to normalize the work of church planting.

  • We can do this better together as a Province than we can as lone wolves.

  • Church planting must be intentionally pursued and it needs specific systems to see it happen:

    1. Strategic Oversight- someone has to initiate and oversee the rest of the systems and help create the culture of church planting in the Diocese

    2. Leadership Pipeline- raising up new church planters (examples of tools are residency programs and internships)

    3. Assessment- studies have shown that proper assessment process help get the right planters into the field in healthy ways

    4. Training- we need to find ways to equip the planters with the tools they need for their work (bootcamps, etc)

    5. Coaching- coaching is one of the primary indicators of success for church planters

    6. Funding- this includes both Diocesan strategies and individual fundraising training

    7. Ongoing Support- developing systems for the relational, educational, spiritual support planters need throughout their planting work

Want to learn more?