Church Planting Process

1. Planter Discernment

  1. Pray

  2. Hear God’s Calling

2. Initial Contact

  1. Fill out the contact form here

  2. Once the contact form has been received, the Diocesan leadership will send an email to arrange for an initial phone call.

  3. The initial phone call serves as the first level of discernment. There is no set agenda for this call except to informally hear the person’s story and ask questions about their interest in church planting.

3. Assessment

  1. If it is determined that the applicant should move forward in the process, the applicant will fill out the pre-assessment questions.

  2. Have a phone interview with a Diocesan church planting leader to determine if the candidate is a potential fit for the Diocese.

  3. The Planter/Location fit assessment, Lifeway Church Planters assessment, and reference forms are sent to the the church planting candidate.

  4. The Planter sends the reference form to three people (non-family) who will speak honestly about the candidate. The completed forms are electronically sent to the Canon for Church Planting.

  5. Send a link or an audio file of a sermon that was recently preached.

  6. After the Planter/Location fit assessment, Lifeway Church Planters assessment, and reference forms are completed, a face-to-face assessment interview is scheduled and candidate’s references are contacted.

  7. Face-to-face interview

  8. After the assessment, the applicant will receive feedback and the leadership team’s recommendation.

4. Pre-Launch

  1. Get Connected Locally- Build relationships with other Anglican churches, leadership, and other planters in the area.

  2. Get Training- Get equipped to plant a healthy church.

  3. Find a Coach- Get connected relationally with someone in the diocese for regular calls and mentoring.

  4. Develop a Strategic Ministry Plan (Prospectus)- Put together a strategic plan for the church plant. This includes timeline, finances, ministry plan, demographics, launch team, marketing, and discipleship needed for a healthy church plant.

  5. Build the Infrastructure- Build out the ministry leaders and teams, support systems, and ministries.

5. Current Plants

  1. Launch a church- Execute the strategic plan, build a launch team, conduct a soft-launch season, and launch the church.

  2. Team up and Multiply- Coordinate with other Anglican churches in the area, network, develop of culture of church planting, train others, help plant other churches.