Clergy Care

Bishop Thad Barnum and his ministry, Call2Disciple, are in relationship with Diocese of the Rocky Mountains to provide Clergy Care. This care includes spiritual direction, confession of sin, preventative care, crisis care, burnout and related issues.
Thad also serves as an Assisting Bishop with the DRM and a Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of the Carolinas with a primary focus as a chaplain to pastors and ministry leaders. Through the ministry of “Call2Disciple”, began by Thad and his late wife, Erilynne, have given themselves to the work of discipleship that all of us — by the Spirit of God bringing alive the Word of God — might grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and be empowered as His witnesses in the world to the glory of our Father in heaven. Thad continues to lead Call2Disciple providing Soul Care to pastors, clergy, and spouses.