Our Team
The Rt. Rev. Ken Ross, Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Ben Fischer, Suffragan Bishop
The Rt. Rev. Thad Barnum, Assisting Bishop
The Rev. Canon Dr. Matt Burnett, Canon to the Ordinary
The Rev. Canon Billy Waters
The Rev. Canon Toe Ma
Myanmar Ministry
The Rev. Sarah Anderson
The Rev. Chris Bruno
The Rev. Kyle Stanton
Mike Sandgren
The Rev. Cindy Hamilton
The Rev. Donald Nwankwo & The Rev. Dr. Chris Stroup
The Rev. David Norris
Worship Arts
Mark Yeadon
Leadership Development
Tom Campbell, Chancellor
Peter Dill, Chancellor

Administrative Leadership
Anna Holsteen
Diocese Administrator
Robert Brenner
Paula Ladefoged
Linda Nkosi
Diocesan Council
The Rev. Dave Abels
Beka Johnson
The Rev. Ashley May
Paul Smith
The Rev. Tim Soots
Mark Yeadon