What is the Healing Journey all about?

As Anglicans when we receive Eucharist, we place hands palm up, one over the other, in a posture of receiving the sacrifice of Christ. We believe that Christ is present in the Eucharist. We set the table every Sunday to receive not only the sacrifice Christ offered but the presence of Christ in our lives to heal, encourage, convict, grow, and form us.

The Healing Journey is simply an extension of that table. We will set the table for the Holy Spirit to move among us and in us through worship of our Lord and inspirational, challenging stories told by Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Professors, and Laity—stories of loss and lament, the glory we are called to in Christ, struggles with sin and anxiety. As we worship and listen, our faithful God will move among us by his Holy Spirit, speaking to each one according to his will. Then the invitation will be given to be prayed for by faithful prayer ministers. The three core elements of the Healing Journey will be worship, teaching, and prayer ministry.

When: Friday, October 11th, 6:30-9pm & Saturday, October 12th, 8:30am-4pm

Where: Church of the Advent, 678 King St. Denver, CO 80204