Michael McClymond – What is Neo-Gnostic Spirituality? And How Should Pastors Respond to It?

Students of church history will be aware that gnosticism during the second century was the first major heretical movement in the history of Christianity. Yet new versions of ancient, gnostic ideas are circulating widely today. Father Richard Rohr—whose book The Universal Christ (2018) was the #1 best-selling book on Christ at Amazon.com for about a year—argues that Christians need to give up their focus on “Jesus” and instead embrace a supposedly more spiritual “Christ” who is no longer understood as fleshly, material, or human. 

We apologize for the audio static during Michael’s Workshop – efforts to remove the static were unsuccessful.

Download Audio File: Workshop – Michael McClymond

Matt Burnett – Reading the Bible Politically

In “The Bible in Politics” Richard Bauckham offers the reader a way, with particular examples, to read the Bible politically and to gain an understanding of the social relevance of the Bible that is strongly exegetical, disciplined, informed, imaginative, and politically fruitful.

Download Audio File: Burnett-Reading the Bible Politically

Ben Fischer – Lessons from Late Medieval Hermeneutics

Along with war, climate change, famine, and plague, the fourteenth-century English church was wrecked by shifts in biblical interpretation that effectively undermined the authority of the Bible just when confidence in truth was most needed. This talk explores the hermeneutic that emerged from the crisis and required that the Bible be made available in the vernacular, resulting in a broad move of lay piety and groundwork laid for the Reformation.

Download Audio File: Fischer-Lessons from Late Medieval Hermeneutics

Chris Stroup – Religion, Race, and the Early Church

Religion, Race, and the Early Church: Religion and race were intimately connected in the world of Jesus and the early Christians. This workshop considers how race and religion shaped early Christians and what implications this might have for our conversations about race and Christianity today.

Download Audio File: Stroup – Religion, Race, and the Early Church

Billy Waters – Raising Money for New & Existing Churches

In light of the current trend of people giving less and less to the church, how should we respond? Rising educational debt, increased cost of living, and less normalcy of a ‘steady paycheck’, is changing the way people give to the church. 

Download Audio File: Waters – Church Planting Finances


Clergy Targeted Meeting – Hosted by the College of Deacons

Mutual Ministry: The Deacon-Priest Partnership. What does a healthy and vibrant partnership between deacon and priest look like, and what practices help cultivate such a partnership? Hear from three deacon-rector teams about what they have learned about the gifts and challenges of partnering as two ordained orders with one mutual mission.